Evaluation of the Dormant Accounts Fund Northern Ireland
The National Lottery Community Fund has commissioned SQW to undertake an evaluation of the first phase of the Dormant Accounts Fund Northern Ireland.
The evaluation is running from November 2023 to May 2025. It will provide evidence about the extent to which the programme and funded activities are contributing to improving the resilience of Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises (VCSEs) in Northern Ireland. The evaluation will share that learning with the Fund, grant holders and the wider sector, so that other organisations can be inspired to evolve to become more resilient.
Background to the Fund
In 2008, the Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Act was passed to establish a system for distributing dormant accounts (financial accounts which have not seen activity in 15 years) to good causes in the UK. In September 2019, the Department of Finance Northern Ireland directed The National Lottery Community Fund to establish a scheme to use dormant accounts in Northern Ireland, to build capacity, resilience and sustainability in the VCSE sector.
Phase 1 of the Dormant Accounts Fund NI was open to applications from January 2021 to March 2023, offering up to £100,000 to VCSE organisations for projects running for 1-3 years. Approximately 250 organisations received funding through the programme. The next phase is expected to launch in 2024.
About the evaluation
The evaluation will seek to capture insights via interviews, surveys and reviews of monitoring data and documentation.
The study also involves communication and engagement activity, to ensure insights are shared more widely. SQW will be running events and providing written communication materials at key points throughout.
If you would like more information about the evaluation, please contact Lauren Roberts, SQW Director, via lroberts@sqw.co.uk