Evaluation of the Safe Space to Sleep programme

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) has appointed SQW to evaluate the Safe Space to Sleep Programme. 

This new programme is designed to respond to a real and pressing need in South Yorkshire, where research indicates child poverty has risen since 2014/15 and has likely been exacerbated both by the pandemic and cost of living crisis. The programme is receiving around £2 million in investment by SYMCA. 

The Safe Space to Sleep programme is supporting local Voluntary and Community Sector partners to provide beds and bedding to families with children aged 5 and under, taking referrals from over 70 organisations and statutory agencies. In addition, the programme is funding four ‘test and learn’ pilots to develop approaches that connect families with other services, build trust amongst communities and improve outcomes for children. It is hoped that innovations developed through these pilots will reduce costs to the public sector through supporting early intervention. 

SQW is working collaboratively with SYMCA and local stakeholders to conduct an independent formative, process and impact evaluation of the Safe Space to Sleep programme. The evaluation will assist SYMCA in improving outcomes for children, families and wider communities. 

For more information, please contact Lauren Roberts (SQW Project Director) or visit the SYMCA programme website here