The effect of UKRI stipend levels on UKRI studentships
The New Deal for postgraduate research (PGR) aims to ensure that PGR in the UK remains open and attractive to a wide range of candidates both from the UK and abroad. As a key funder in and convenor of the UK’s R&I system, UKRI plays an important role in supporting this commitment, particularly as UKRI is the single largest funder of doctoral students in the UK. This funding takes the form of training grants to a broad range of research organisations (ROs), which are then responsible for recruiting students and training them.
As part of its training grants, UKRI provides ROs with funding to be used for students’ stipends. A stipend is a sum of money paid by the RO to the student to cover the student’s maintenance while they undertake doctoral training.
UKRI sets a minimum stipend level for its funded students. UKRI has commissioned SQW, in partnership with London Economics, to undertake research into the effect of UKRI stipend levels on UKRI studentships. The study will seek to understand how minimum stipend levels affect studentship recruitment and retention. After conducting a desk-based review of documentation and available data, SQW will conduct an online survey of training grant holders, and in-depth research with ROs. The research will contribute to work by UKRI to inform future decisions on stipend levels.