October 2021
Health Education England have developed a pilot training programme for specialist mental health pharmacists. SQW has been commissioned by HEE to collate external independent data and provide insights from our analysis. We will be providing both formative and summative evaluative assessments on the educational process, the learning experience, its costs and benefits and any early effects on services.
October 2021
In 2021, the Health Foundation launched the Strengthening Social Care Analytics Programme, which is supporting five exemplar projects to help the social care sector respond to COVID-19 and its aftermath. SQW has been commissioned to undertake a qualitative evaluation of the programme.
September 2021
British Patient Capital (BPC) was established to increase the supply of larger and later-stage finance to innovative firms. SQW has been commissioned by the British Business Bank to evaluate BPC, including process, impact and economic evaluation.
September 2021
The British Business Bank’s Northern Powerhouse, Midlands Engine and Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Investment Funds provide microfinance, loans and equity finance to help SMEs to grow and develop. Just over four years since the first investment, the British Business Bank has commissioned SQW to undertake an interim impact evaluation of the Funds.
July 2021
The Strength in Places Fund (SIPF) is a UKRI programme that helps areas of the UK to build on existing strengths in research and innovation to deliver benefits for their local economy. SQW supported the Midlands Industrial Ceramics Group's Wave 2 SIPF application which was successful in securing over £18m.