Equality, diversity and inclusion are of utmost importance – for SQW, for our clients, and for the communities in which we work and deliver our services. SQW is committed to ensuring fair treatment and equality of opportunity for all, through our work as an employer and as a purchaser and provider of services.
Over recent years we have delivered a wide array of research and evaluation studies exploring issues relating to equality, diversity and inclusion. These have included evaluating programmes explicitly aimed at addressing inequalities or promoting diversity; exploring the effects of new programmes on or ways of working with people with different protected characteristics or from specific communities; and ensuring we capture the views of a wide and diverse group of stakeholders, across a range of different studies and areas of focus. Our experience in this area includes studies for regulatory bodies, central government departments, charities and local authorities.
Project Examples
Finding What Works: Pathways to Improve Diversity in Venture Capital Investment
Profiling the diversity of the judicial talent pipeline
Understanding and evaluating early career professionals’ experiences and perceptions of the General Dental Council
Tackling Inequalities Rapid Evidence Review
Evaluation of the Centre for Ageing Better’s Upskilling Employability Workers project
Student Engagement in Knowledge Exchange Competition evaluation