Our work in this area focuses on research into, and evaluations of, policies and interventions designed to improve outcomes from interventions focused on developing people to progress in the labour market. We have worked across the whole age spectrum, from early years to older workers. We have also undertaken many studies looking at skills demand and supply in local areas or for particular sectors.
Within this broad area, SQW have developed knowledge and expertise in specific topic areas, including: careers education and guidance and science education; employment programmes for people of all ages; programmes of support for disadvantaged young people and marginalised communities; and widening participation and adult and basic skills learning.

Project Examples
A Continuous Quality Improvement Programme for the National Careers Service
Evaluations of Greater Manchester’s Working Well and now Work and Health programme
Developing a skills strategy for the Foundation Industries
Youth Evidence Base for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Evaluations of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) in Primary Care programmes
Mercers' Company Learning Partner for Early Years Iniative
Informing an evaluation of UKRI Studentship Investments