A Continuous Quality Improvement Programme for the National Careers Service

Client: Department for Education

The National Careers Service is the publicly funded careers service for young people (aged 13 and over) and adults in England. It provides free information, advice and guidance to help individuals make decisions on learning, training and work.

In Summer 2024, SQW, in partnership with Ipsos and the Career Development Institute (CDI), has been delivering a Continuous Quality Improvement Programme for the National Careers Service on behalf of the Department for Education. The overall aims of the Programme have been to:

  • Maintain and improve customer perceptions of satisfaction and progression 
  • Gain targeted customer insights
  • Drive continuous quality improvement.

SQW’s role on the Programme builds on previous work undertaken with the National Careers Service since 2014. This phase of the programme has involved the co-development of a Theory of Change, which detailed the expected outputs, outcomes and impacts from the National Careers Service. This Theory of Change is providing a framework in which SQW are evaluating service delivery and providing support for Prime Contractors to measure and evaluate the impact and benefits of service delivery consistently.

The Programme will run to September 2025.​​​​​