Strategic Evaluation of SDI International Activities
Client: Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Scottish Government
Scottish Development International is the international arm of Scotland's enterprise agencies, Scottish Government (SG), Scottish Enterprise (SE) and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), helping business succeed by providing international trade and investment support. SQW was commissioned to undertake a detailed evaluation of the support provided for international trade between 2012/13 and 2015/16 and for inward investment from 2011/12 to 2015/16.
The aims of the research were to assess: the rationale for intervention; the performance against SDI targets; the effectiveness of the support provided to businesses; the types of support delivering greatest benefits; and the economic impact of the support. The study involved a survey of 500 businesses engaged in international trade or receiving inward investment support and consultations with 40 stakeholders in the enterprise network, other partner organisations, and account managers.
The report was published by Scottish Enterprise in 2017, supporting the case for future funding and included recommendations for further improvements to support delivery. The full report can be found here.