Individual Training Accounts Evaluation

Individual training accounts (ITAs) support people in Scotland with up to £200 per year to access training to gain an industry recognised certificate. The aims of the programme are to: enhance the employment prospects of those in work or looking for work; equip people with the right skills to participate, and be successful within the labour market; and support employers by providing workers with opportunities to improve their work-related skills and qualifications. The programme is managed by Skills Development Scotland and provides up to 18,500 funded places annually, at a cost of £3.5m per annum.

In 2022 SQW, in partnership with Progressive, delivered an impact evaluation of the ITA programme for the Scottish Government. The evaluation found that the programme is working well, with most participants and training providers satisfied with the delivery experience and outcomes gained. The programme aligns well to the policy intention with most participants motivated to use their ITAs to gain jobs, improving their employability and skillsets.

Most participants said that they would not have undertaken training without ITA funding, suggesting the programme is encouraging additional training activity. Two in five people who were working full time reported that their ITA had helped them find a better paying job. And for those participants still out of work after training, ITAs had helped them pursue their interests and improve their skills, confidence and self-esteem.

You can read the ITA Evaluation Report here, accompanied by a Social Research Summary Paper.