Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in economic and social development through our Viewpoint series, and our latest published reports. Our older Viewpoint ‘thought piece’ publications are available from the archive.
August 2023
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. The CQC commissioned SQW to deliver a rapid literature review, focusing on improvement cultures in health and adult social care.
July 2023
SQW partnered with the British Business Bank on the “Finding What Works" report, which provides three clear, actionable, and evidence-based pathways to improve diversity in UK venture capital investment.
April 2023
Looking ahead to 2040, Harwell Campus commissioned SQW to complete a programme of independent research to inform a debate about the changing nature and role of these campuses.
February 2023
The UK Government launched the British Patient Capital programme in 2018: a £2.5 billion Venture Capital Investment Fund set up as a subsidiary of the British Business Bank with both policy and commercial objectives. Our interim process, impact, and economic evaluation has now been published.
February 2023
Individual training accounts (ITAs) support people in Scotland with up to £200 per year to access training to gain an industry recognised certificate. The programme provides up to 18,500 funded places annually, at a cost of £3.5m per annum. Our impact evaluation of the ITA programme has been published by the Scottish Government.
January 2023
National attention was directed towards the challenges faced by people who used, commissioned or delivered social care services during the Covid-19 pandemic. Within this context, the Health Foundation launched the Strengthening Social Care Analytics Programme in 2021. Our qualitative evaluation of whether (and how) the programme supported project teams to improve the use of data analytics within social care has been published.