Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in economic and social development through our Viewpoint series, and our latest published reports. Our older Viewpoint ‘thought piece’ publications are available from the archive.

June 2019
Coinciding with reaching the milestone of lending £500m to entrepreneurs, SQW’s final report from the evaluation of Start Up Loans has been published.

December 2018
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Regional Groups aimed to provide leadership and a single point of contact and support to facilitate increased engagement between employers and education providers, particularly schools and colleges.

December 2018
The Sêr Cymru (“Stars Wales”) programme is designed to strengthen Wales’s research capabilities. The evaluation indicates that Sêr Cymru 1 has performed well, exceeding output targets at this stage, and both the Research Stars and NRNs have achieved positive effects on early career researchers.

February 2018
The Children and Families Act 2014 introduced a set of reforms that aspired to create an improved offer of support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This viewpoint looks at how reactions reported recently compare to earlier findings, to provide an assessment of how far the new approaches have delivered the high aspirations they set out to meet.