Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in economic and social development through our Viewpoint series, and our latest published reports. Our older Viewpoint ‘thought piece’ publications are available from the archive.

June 2024
In late 2022, SQW was commissioned by the General Dental Council (GDC) to understand and explore the experiences and perceptions of and attitudes towards the GDC of early career dental professionals – namely those who have been registered to practice dentistry in the UK for five years or less.

February 2024
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport commissioned SQW (supported by three partners: UK Youth, the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex and the University of Warwick, alongside a Youth Panel convened by UK Youth) to undertake three research studies focused on the research question 'what impact does regularly attending youth clubs have for young people?'.

December 2023
SQW, in partnership with eftec, have been working with Homes England over the last two years to deliver new appraisal guidance for the Agency to improve the understanding of different aspects of social value in delivering new housing across England.

December 2023
SQW was commissioned by the British Film Institute (BFI) to evaluate the Research and Statistics Fund and the Audience Fund. The BFI has just launched the reports for both projects.

November 2023
The Office for Students and Research England launched the £10m Student Engagement in Knowledge Exchange programme in 2020 to develop the evidence base on the nature of, and benefits from, student engagement in knowledge exchange activities. SQW was appointed to evaluate the programme.

November 2023
TASO commissioned SQW to conduct evaluations of two universities’ interventions designed to improve employability outcomes for students for disadvantaged and underrepresented groups.