SQW's clients span national and local government, universities, business sectors, trade bodies and charities, with institutions and organisations often working together in collaboration, or in formal partnerships. This range of engagement means that we are particularly well-positioned to review organisational structures, and to assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of partnerships.
The aim of such work is typically to advise on effective responses to current or forthcoming challenges, either linked to specific initiatives or organisation-wide. The assignments involve close working with clients and their partners, to understand the context and frame options; to develop strategic priorities to improve performance in delivery; and to maximise impact for stakeholders.

Our services include: horizon scanning; project and investment prioritisation analysis; governance reviews; developing plans for exit strategies including next-stage strategies to move on from public funding; capacity development support and training, notably in performance management, to drive continuous improvement.
We also work with clients to understand how best to engage individuals, communities and partner bodies in the design, commissioning and management of public services.
Project Examples
Evaluations of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) in Primary Care programmes
City, Devolution and Growth Deal Gateway Reviews
Evaluation of the Future Observatory: Design the Green Transition programme
Evaluation of Heritage Action Zones
Supporting the North East England Chamber of Commerce to develop a new commercial strategy