SQW has a long-standing track record in undertaking robust assessments of the socio-economic impacts of publicly funded programmes, projects and other investments. This can include infrastructure, visitor attractions, commercial or residential developments and the impact of individual businesses or sectors.
The advice we offer means sounder investment decisions and better anticipation of results. Our work helps clients and audiences understand the difference that investment can make, or is making. The results can be used to demonstrate the value of business activity to the economy, improve the delivery of support programmes or make the case for future investment.
We also work widely with local and national stakeholders to help mitigate and manage any adverse impacts of business closures or re-locations, or to provide evidence to support new investment in key sectors or places.
As well as understanding economic effects - on jobs, economic performance and sector development - our impact assessment work is increasingly focused on the wider social and community effects of interventions such as social inclusion, skills and access to services.